Thursday, January 29, 2009

33 weeks!
I realize everyone is excited and thrilled and amazed... I will be eventually (getting too emotionally involved creates more problems). Went to the Dr. this morning and she was congratulating me on making it to 33 weeks. My responce was RaeLee was born at 10:30pm on her 33 week mark, so I have at least 11 1/2 more hours before I will be past Rae's mark. She just looked at me and told me I know way too much...LOL! Dr. Shelley is refusing to predict when this baby will come, she takes my stance of every hour is great, every half day is great, every day is great, every few days is great, every week is great....ect. Anyways, I thought I'd take a picture of my long hair (since I've had a few requests). And yes as you can see I am huge! Guess that's what happens when all you do is sit around and eat for months ;)


Anonymous said...

You look beautiful!

Tiffany said...

You look beautiful!

Megan said...

Congrats on making it this far! You look great!

Noodle said...

You look great I was twice your size with sammy... Again congrats on that little girl sticking it out for the long run... =)

landofnyedom said...

Awesome! I hope that baby stays right where she is for awhile longer. Good luck!

The Sennett Family said...

Hang in there!! You look great!!

The Tanner Family said...

Hey its nice to have someone else look like me:) Congrats on keeping her in there so long..hope she stays a while longer!